BREAKING NEWS : Club holds meeting with Supporters Groups to discuss Fans Survey & Open Letter to the Chairman

Chairman and CEO met with Trust, Supporters Groups and Sponsors Late yesterday afternoon, Swindon Town Chairman Clem Morfuni and CEO Anthony Hall met with representatives from our supporters.

Everyone gathered to discuss the Fans Survey and Open Letter to the Chairman, including James Phipps and Chris Howell from the Trust, Andy Cossens and Chris Kyle from the OSC, Lee Cahalin from the Disabled Supporters Association, Jon Holloway from the Foundation, and Steve Trowbridge and David Coe representing the sponsors.

Anthony began the discussion by noting that the club understands the dissatisfaction and disappointment of last season’s performance on and off the field, as do all of the club’s supporters. He asked all present to provide open and honest criticism

and suggestions. A lengthy conversation ensued, during which everyone realized that the club still had a lot of work to do.

Everyone agreed that the important areas that needed to be addressed are:

Club holds meeting with Supporters Groups to discuss Fans Survey & Open  Letter to the Chairman - News - Swindon Town
1. Communication.
2. On-field performance
3. Ground redevelopment plans

The club stated that we have already begun to make the necessary modifications and take the appropriate actions. This includes:
Renovation work on the pitch.
Significantly boosting the playing budget.
Mark Kennedy was appointed as the new head coach.
Following Mark’s appointment, the early recruitment of new players
Further recruiting of players to follow.
The hiring of a new Marketing Manager
Legends Lounge will be refurbished commencing in July to prepare for the start of the 2024/25 season.

Present redevelopment plans to the Joint Venture in July with current proposals. Once the proposals are considered by the Joint Venture at the July meeting, we will look to go for planning in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Improved commercial partnerships, including Pro:Direct/Adidas kit wear, and more fan involvement through a new role.
These are some of the things that the club has been working on behind the scenes over the past six months. The club would have like to share some of these changes and activities to supporter groups and fans earlier, but due to contractual agreements, we have been unable to do so until now.

A significant component of our

The conversation was about our communication failures in recent months. As a club, we recognize that we need to do more in this area. While we accept this, our media staff has made significant progress over the past season in expanding awareness for all of our teams, including the academy and women’s squad. The group expressed their appreciation for the enhanced coverage provided via videos and communications in recent weeks and hoped that this would continue.

The group decided that communication channels should be kept open, and that we should meet more frequently outside of Advisory Board sessions to increase our connection with our supporter groups.

Therefore, the club will introduce the following:

Monthly meetings with the Trust, OSC, and DSA.
Annual fan surveys will continue and will contain comments for the Club, OSC/Trust, and DSA.
Everyone agreed that we needed to learn from the past, and that we all have a role to play in helping the club move ahead. We all share the same objective of achieving promotion and being a viable football club; but, we cannot do it without the support of our supporters and sponsors.

Following the meeting, people in attendance explained their points in greater detail:

Clem Morfuni, and Anthony Hall:

“The meeting was pleasant with some very open exchanges that we think will only benefit us all in moving forward for the 24/25 season and beyond; there is still much work to be done.

l do but with us all pulling in the same direction we really will be better and stronger moving forward.”

James Phipps:
“We appreciate everyone coming together to discuss the concerns we expressed in the open letter. We note the actions committed to and we need to see those implemented. It is the start of significant further progress that still needs to be made. The Trust will continue to push for that progress for the good of everyone.”

Andy Cossens and Chris Kyle:

“All aspects of the open letter and survey were discussed and as mentioned above the key areas were communication, Ground Development and investment in experienced personnel both on and off the pitch.
It is imperative that all parties collaborate in supporting the Club we love. The meeting was frank and honest and I believe all attendees made their points in a sensible, coherent manner. Good progress has been made, but we all now need to work hard in providing support / delivering these objectives, which will ultimately benefit all that is STFC. It is now time for the fans and supporter Groups to work together and get behind the Club to enable us to have a successful 2024/25.”

Jonathan Holloway:

“The Community Foundation understands firsthand the value of teamwork when working with supporter groups. It is critical that we maintain this collaborative approach as we develop action plans to make the next season as successful as possible, both on and off the pitch. We look forward to contributing to the local community and helping the club in any way we can.”

Steven Trowbridge:

“This was a constructive and open meeting. Let us move on from prior issues and focus on the future, working together to ensure the club’s success. Let’s rally behind the club and team. COYR.”


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