BREAKING NEWS : Town and developers work on next steps for $2-billion Poplar Wellness Village in Collingwood

Town of Collingwood staff continue to work with representatives from the Poplar Health and Wellness Village in hopes of moving the project forward.

Just the facts

  • The Poplar Health and Wellness Village is a proposed $2-billion project located on a 130-acre parcel of land on Poplar Side Road in Collingwood.
  • The project is a joint venture between Di Poce Property Management and Live, Work, Learn, Play.
  • Collingwood council approved an MZO (minister’s zoning order) for the project in August 2022 and reached a development agreement with the proponents in December of 2023.

Poplar Regional Health & Wellness Village: Collingwood, Ontario - Live Work  Learn Play

    • As part of the project, 30 acres of land will be donated to be used as the site for the new Collingwood General and Marine Hospital.
    • Land will also be donated for a new fire hall.
    • The goal of the development is to attract businesses from the health and wellness field to Collingwood, including sports medicine, biotech and innovation, education and eco-wellness.
      • Developers estimate the project will attract more than 3,500 knowledge-based sector jobs to the region.
      • As part of the agreement, the developers committed to deliver a minimum 10 per cent mix of attainable and affordable housing within the project.
      • At a recent council meeting, director of planning Summer Valentine, told council that staff continues to work with members of the development team.
      • Staff from the town’s economic development department met with Invest Ontario in July to raise awareness of the project with potential investors.
      • Staff also met with officials from Lakehead University to discuss several potential partnership options, including possible integrating programs into the site.
      • Valentine said this week, staff submitted “endorsed modifications” for the County of Simcoe’s official plan that impact the health and wellness village policies.
        • Town officials will meet with developers next month to discuss project timelines.
        • The short-term goal of the developers is to ensure the transfer of the lands to the hospital.

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