BREAKING NEWS : Ashford paedophile back behind bars after sending explicit videos to child online

Alan Morris was barred from going online, but he sent’sexualised messages’ via an internet chat platform. A convicted sex offender is back in prison after being found sending obscene texts and videos to a child online. Alan Morris used an internet chat platform to send “sexualised messages” that included images of himself.

Morris, previously of Poundhurst Lane in Ruckinge, near Ashford, stated in the texts that he was 65. A court heard that the discussions violated a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) granted to him in 2018 after he was convicted of earlier offences.


The order prohibited him from using the internet without first telling the authorities. He was also prohibited from using devices without specific monitoring software on them.

Paedophile is finally behind bars after police uncovered another 600 images  | Daily Mail Online

A variety of different internet activities.
Morris was arrested on February 8 after Kent Police’s Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT) discovered indecent photos of minors and recent sexual correspondence on his mobile phone. He was charged later that day. He pleaded guilty to attempted sexual communication with a minor, as well as producing and distributing indecent photos of a child. He also acknowledged to attempting to persuade a girl to engage in sexual conduct, a kid to observe sexual activity, and sexual communication with a child. This pertained to offences discovered by POLIT, while Morris felt he was communicating.

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With a child in October 2023. Morris was sentenced to six years in prison on Monday (July 1), including a year for violating a SHPO, with four years to spend on licence after being released. Detective Constable Barbara Zamorska of POLIT stated, “The reason we push for Sexual Harm Prevention Orders is to protect children in Britain and around the world from abuse by predators such as Alan Morris.” Morris had nothing but contempt for the court order put on him, and he continued to attempt to attract underage girls online into sexual actions.

“I hope the sentence he has received serves as a reminder that our investigators will Track out offenders who use the internet to commit heinous crimes and work to bring them to justice.

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