What a former Nottingham Forest player reportedly said to the team’s two important players

As the former defender speaks with the Garibaldi Red podcast, Nottinghamshire Live provides the most recent Nottingham Forest news. Former Nottingham Forest defender Steve Cook believes that Ryan Yates and Joe Worrall will continue to play important roles for the team for many years to come.

Over the years, both homegrown athletes have faced criticism, Worrall in particular ever since his ascension to the Premier League.
Cook notes that even though Forest keeps bringing in foreign players to surround them, the two have done a good job of making the transition from the Championship and their importance to the team and the city should not be understated.

“I use Twitter and see things. You can’t please everyone, and that’s just how things work, Cook said on the Garibaldi Red podcast.

“You can tell how much the clubs mean to them, so I was very happy for them when we got promoted and then stayed up last year

Forest hoping to bring Steve Cook in from the cold to solve defensive crisis

There is a great deal of expectation on their shoulders because of Brennan (Johnson). When you graduate from an academy, it’s always difficult since you’re seen as more easily replaceable by a new signing.

“Those two or three do a fantastic job representing Nottingham. Joe Worrall is authentically from Nottingham.

He made himself and his family very proud with his success at Chelsea. He certainly deserves it, especially with the new contract. Last year, he was cut from the team, but there was no complaining. He carried on and found himself in a situation that not many club captains had.

He would enter a game, perform well, but wouldn’t be on the team the following game. When you get hurt, he comes back on, but what he excels at is responding to the criticism.

There are others who argue that he shouldn’t be on the squad, yet he demonstrates why he should. The Premier League’s high caliber makes it impossible for anyone but a top-tier player to consistently perform well over the course of 38 games.

When Yatesy left the squad last year, we didn’t receive the outcomes we thought we should have. He deserves a lot of praise for it.

He is the consummate professional. He displays his emotions in public. You do not want to lose a club like Nottingham Forest. Those two boys will have a significant impact for many years.

“The supporters who argue that they shouldn’t be on the team should exercise a little caution since you lose a lot when they aren’t.

“They bring the players along to demonstrate the importance of the club. They should continue to play for the club for a very long time, in my opinion.

They merit it. They advanced to the level fairly rapidly, and that is a significant leap. I’m incredibly happy for them and I can’t wait to watch them for many years as they represent the club.


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